US-11501 Chockalog Swamp WMA
A rare unactivated reference in Massachusetts that's more accessible than you might think.
A rare unactivated reference in Massachusetts that's more accessible than you might think.
Bring a ruler along to make sure that you are within the park boundaries at this lake-is-the-park site.
I'm usually ready for anything in the woods, the teepee was something new...
I've been burned a few times visiting parks that have had only a few activations. For a while I would get intrigued and excited when I'd find a nearby location that had only been activated one or two times, but then I realized that there usually was a reason.
Before you judge my planning, it's important to know that there's a road that goes all the way to the tip-top of Mt. Greylock. There's a lodge up there where you can book a room or have a meal while you sit out on the summit on a picnic table. The road was closed.
Site Review
When I mentioned at the cookout that I was heading over there, Bob, of 1300+ activation fame, asked, "How are you going to get in?"
This was the most uninviting spot I've been to so far, and to be fair the notice mentioned that it was 'unimproved'. There's no parking, so I had to nestle up against a stone wall on the highway. Even the spot is hard to locate, in the middle of a long state highway.