US-1726 Wadsworth Falls SP
When spring beckons, even in February and you know it's just a sultry tease, what can you do but answer the call?
When spring beckons, even in February and you know it's just a sultry tease, what can you do but answer the call?
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There are traces of the people who have lived in this area stretching back tens of thousands of years.
I'd overnighted in South Hadley, Massachusetts after spending the previous day, the 31st of October, hiking and activating US-5636 Mt. Greylock. I mention the specific day because in Massachusetts the state parks shut down quite a few of the roads on their properties on October 30th. At Greylock
I was completely unprepared for what was around the corner.
I carry a bear horn in my pack, but honestly I think it might be more of an advertisement for a bear snack than any sort of deterrent.
The main channel of water collided with a large outcropping of granite, tearing it apart, flinging house-sized boulders into the air and gouging out an 80- to 100-foot deep channel running roughly half a mile that we now call Purgatory Chasm.
Hopkinton is all about the lake, and you'll find boat rentals and amenities in season.
Three piles of what looked like bobcat scat, one recent, made me look for another spot to set up at.
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This is an unremarkable park that I think would be a short stop for most people in a multi-park rove.
Like Goldilocks I tried each throne in turn.
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I was standing in front of my car taking a picture of the barricade when the man who built the structure walked over to say hello in a way that made me want to show him that my hands were empty.
Apparently I'd set the station up ON the trail.